
Verve Central Productions was formed in 2009 to provide quality entertainment and services to its clients and audiences through special events & entertainment, theatrical production, creative & business consulting, and education.


The company also provides corporate team building programs through its subsidiary, Premier Team Building & Interactive Experiences™.


With offices in Tampa Bay and New York, and with colleagues nation-wide, Verve Central Productions is able to serve you wherever you are.



Pronunciation:  \vûrv\
Function:  noun

  • the spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance: vivacity
  • energy, vitality


Pronunciation:  \sěn’trəl\
Function:  adjective

  • containing or constituting a center
  • of primary importance:  essential, principal
  • situated at, in, or near the center:  easily accessible from outlying districts
  • centrally placed and superseding separate scattered units

*from Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary

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